New Maps from LoveMaps

I normally discourage using maps for tactical purposes in for horror games. It moves the emphasis away from the feeling of the situation to the facts of the situation and as a result people can’t help but kick into war-game mode. However maps can also play a very important role in simply providing an overview of an area which might otherwise be hard for the players to fully grok. And if their progress, or even just the story of the thing is relying on the players having a clear sense of the space and its features, a map is a great way to provide that.

Beyond the Mountains of Madness is a great examples of having several locations which largely require maps to enable the players. And if you’re in the Patreon game, LoveMaps is creating maps for Beyond the Mountains of Madness, and while I’ve only sampled some of them, they really shine; I wish I’d had these for my game!

In other news, the Discord server (see previous post) is ticking along, it’s a great little niche community, even if work and family leave me with too little time to always participate as I’d like.

And yeah, that’s also why I haven’t finished the recordings yet 😄